Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Some of the best cycle jerseys around...

As if wearing lycra in winter isn't eye catching enough we found some of the some of the best looking, funniest or just plain cool jerseys around. Happy cycling!
(The titles above the images are links to the website that each shirt is available from)

Something for the more gothic bike riders amongst us, or those who just like a good laugh. This shirt is bound to have people taking a second look as you cycle past. Not sure if the matching leggings are available yet but we will keep an eye out!

Team member Sarah Beale owns one of these little beauties. The subtle, delicate colouring is one of the key features of this particular item, allowing the rider to blend into their surroundings. Nice.

The writing on this shirt sort of says it all. It voices a sentiment shared by all road cyclists and anyone who rides a bike. In fact I think everyone shares the sentiment. 

A personal favourite of Drew Bradley. Worried about not looking professional after your commute to work? Worry no more! This smart shirt, tie and jacket number is just the trick for the cyclist commuter who doesn't have space for a change of clothes. Arrive to work ready to get business done in this cheeky Franklin number. 
PLEASE NOTE: wearing this shirt will not explain your red face and profuse sweating. It may also leave your colleagues asking why you're wearing a lycra suit... ignore them, you look great!

Well, this one is just plain funny.

Admit it, you like Spam! You can try and kid yourself but you know you like it. A poll of 67.5 vegetarians and vegans showed that spam was the single most difficult meat to give up. It registered a whoping 9.8 /10 on the Meats That Are Difficult To Stop Eating (MTADTSE) scale, leaving it's nearest rival , goat, lagging in second with a rating of only 6 / 10 on the MTADTSE scale. You can't argue with stats people. 

There are hundreds if not thousands of epic band / album bike shirts, we just picked one of our favourites. AC/DC, Rush, Bob Marley, Pink Floyd (obviously), Rolling Stones, Grateful Dead and Led Zepplin are just a few of the bands you may see. 

There are hundreds of great shirts out there, if you think we've missed some of the best let us know! 
Happy cycling! 

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